The Appeal

The Appeal is a call to action for our community of faithful. Our parish goal is to raise $113,646, as outlined in the letter you will be receiving from Father Buffer this week. The contributions received will provide significant support for the ministries, services, and people who are making a difference across our diocese in vocations, evangelization, social concerns, and Catholic schools. You can find more details about the impact and services of these ministries at Please join us in making a difference through your faith, compassion, and generosity. Contributions can be made online using the link above, the QR code below, or by using the pledge envelopes that were mailed home or located in the Narthex.  If you are making a contribution online, it is preferred that you use this link or the QR code below.  Please do not use St. Cecilia’s Faith Direct online giving platform. Thank you for your continued support!