The Appeal

The Appeal is a call to action for our community of faithful. The overall Appeal campaign seeks to raise $7.5 million diocese-wide.  Our parish’s portion of this goal is to raise $113,646.  To date, our parish has raised $92,153 towards our goal with 26% of families participating. 

Of the overall Appeal goal, $2.5 million is utilized for evangelization needs which support families, parishes, and schools in missionary disciple formation and training programs, including marriage preparation, whole family catechetical programs, and OCIA.  $2.3 million is budgeted for vocation expenses which are used for seminarian costs as well as ongoing discernment and formation activities.  $1.5 million will be utilized for Catholic education and tuition assistance to help families seeking a Catholic education for their children and provide support for continued education and formation opportunities for teachers. Lastly, $1.2 million will be used for social concerns directly impacting vital work in serving mothers and their children, defending life at every stage and condition, prison ministries, and agencies affiliated with Catholic Charities serving the needs of vulnerable members of our community.

You can find more details about the impact and services of these ministries at www.columbuscatholicgivingorg/appeal. Please join us in making a difference through your faith, compassion, and generosity. Contributions can be made online using the link above, the QR code below, or by using the pledge envelopes that were mailed home or located in the Narthex.  If you are making a contribution online, it is preferred that you use this link or the QR code below.  Please do not use St. Cecilia’s Faith Direct online giving platform. Thank you for your continued support!